High Energy Physics (University of Rajasthan, March-April 2019)

Instructor: Sanjeev Kumar

Timing: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Syllabus covered in High Energy Physics (C02) course:

  1. Structure of Hadrons: form factors, e-p scattering, inelastic e-p scattering, Bjorken scaling, Partons, gluons, deep inelastic scattering, evolution equations for parton densities.
  2. QCD: Electron positron annihilation into hadrons, heavy quark production, three jet events, QCD corrections, Perturbative QCD, Drell-Yan process.
  3. Weak Interactions: Parity violation, V-A form of weak interaction, Nuclear beta decay, muon decay, pion decay, charged current neutrino electron scattering, neutrino quark scattering, weak neutral current, the Cabibbo angle, weak mixing angles, CP invariance.
  4. Gauge Symmetries: U(1) Local gauge invariance and QED, Non-abelian gauge invariance and QCD, massive gauge bosons, spontaneous breakdown of symmetry, the Higgs mechanism.


  1. Francis Halzen and Allan D. Martin, Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics, John Wiley and Sons
  2. B.R. Martin and G. Shaw, Particle Physics, 2nd edition, J. Wiley and Sons (1997).
  3. The Review of Particle Physics, (Particle Data Group).
  4. David Griffiths, Introduction to Elementary Particles.
  5. Byron Roe Particle Physics at the New millennium
  6. Donald Perkin, Introduction to high energy physics.
  7. Martin and Show, Particle Physics.


Notes by Anirban Kundu

Submitted by Lata (tex)

    • Revision lecture: 6, 7 and 8 March 2019
    • Lectures : 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 27, 29, 30 March 2019
    • Lectures : 10, 12, 20, 24, 26, 27 April 2019
    • Lecture 16: 3 May 2019.

Now this course is over.

Exam and assignments