Step 1: Open

Step 2: Open the program written by me. eg: open lecture5_2.c

Step 3: press Ctrl+A (to select full material of the program), Ctrl + C (to copy)

Step 4: go back to the link written in step 1.

Step 5: There are 3 box in the page, upper left box is showing file name and their path, right box shows program material. Box at down shows linux terminal with sh-shell.

Step 6: Paste (Ctrl + V) the text in right box. Or you can type whole program in that box.

Step 7: Click on "Compile" and "Execute", written just above the box.OR You can go to the terminal box (box at down on same page) and run unix commands as suggested in my previous lectures.

Step 8: Check the errors if any.

Step 9: Hurry! Work is done.

Note: It works in same manner in mobile too. Only the way of copy and paste is different in mobile and it depends on your OS and other things.


For mobile:

For Laptop/computer: code